GRI President Roger Dockter is a native Californian. He has worked 35+ years in the environmental biz. Geology and the Environment are in his blood. At a young age he became interested in collecting rocks and by age sixteen he had won best in show and the Masters Division Blue Ribbon at the California Expo in Sacramento—which led him to an interest in Geology as a profession).
He graduated from San Jose State with both a B.S. and M.S. in Geology. In 1971, he went to work for the USGS where he spent 12 years.
The first five years were in field studies relating to the formation of mineral deposits, managing the mineral separation laboratory processing rocks for age dating studies, and completed a number of quadrangle mapping projects, and wilderness studies. The last seven years were spent managing the onshore oil and gas and coal lease programs on federal lands in the Western US. He received many commendations and published numerous scientific papers.
After working for the government, Roger began his entrepreneurial phase, founding and co-founding several companies over the next twenty years. All of them were a transition from finding crude oil in the ground (USGS days) to finding refined oil in the ground (environmental fuel release cases).
With GRI he has developed some of the best custom-designed and highly reliable remediation systems used in California. Currently he specializes in remediation of both fuel release and solvent release sites and the closure of facilities that have used hazardous materials (semiconductor manufacturing to plating shops).
Roger has spent enough years in the industry to become well-known. But it isn’t the number of years that makes him well-respected. He earned it by being an honest hardworking professional and keeping on top of the game. That’s what you get when you do business with Roger.